Wednesday, January 18, 2012

1/18 Quick Hits: Justified, Shameless and House of Lies

It's been a busy couple of weeks, as you can tell, but that hasn't slowed down the TV viewing (only the time to write about that viewing). There have been a couple big premieres of new series and several of my favorite series returning. I'll start though with of the absolute best shows on television:

  • Justified made it's return to the air last night as season three started and didn't skip a beat. There aren't enough positive adjectives to fully describe this show so let's just say I really dig this show and it leaves me on the edge of my seat every time. The season three premiere was no different as U.S. Marshall Raylan Givens (Timothy Olyphant) recovers from a gun shot wound but still manages to wrestle convict/suedo-friend Boyd Crowder (Walton Coggins) through a plate glass window and also fatally shoot the Ice Pick killer (Desmond Harrington (better known as Quinn on Dexter)). At least we assume he was fatally shot, but either way it was an awesome scene that was simply just so Justified. Despite Given seemingly unarmed and backed into a corner, you just knew the guy was one step ahead. I could go on and on about Justified so you'd start to think that I had a middle-aged crush on it (because I do). Can't wait till next Tuesday......
  • Shameless is also two weeks into their second season and shameless is a pretty solid synopsis of the show. It's entertaining, funny at times and is starting to experience some character growth, but you still feel a little dirty after watching. Frank is still Frank, a physical, emotional and certainly financial drain on every single person he comes in contact with. Fiona is still somehow holding the family together while also having time to do just about anything she pleases (for some reason I want to know what the run at the end of the first episode had to do with this season). Lip, the character who's captured my attention this season, is building depth. Not only is tutoring Ian (his gay brother who's trying to get into West Point) despite not agreeing with his dreams of West Point, but he's also fallen for Karen and is realizing that there's more to life than partying and having sex (as she's developing a new relationship with someone else based around the absence of both). Add in the daycare, the crazy room situation and the snack truck that sells weed and alcohol (although not to anyone under 14) in addition to your garden variety ice cream and you've got another entertaining season.
  • Last and certainly least, we're two episodes into Showtimes' newest series, House of Lies and I've yet to see, read or hear anything that makes me think this series will become one of Showtime's better series. Part of me can't figure out if this show is supposed to be a comedy or some kind of satirical statement on the smugness of the 1%, but for the most part I just don't care. Everyone of the main characters are borderline despicable, although to their credit they are talented enough actors/actresses that they play the part very well. I will continue to watch because there are some funny moments and because the cast is really good but this almost feels like a one and done type series.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back Joe.

    I agree about House of Lies odd genrelessness, much like HBO's Enlightened it's hard to tell exactly what they're trying to be.

    Justified is at the top of my list of shows to try.
